"Playing dress up begins at age 5 and never really ends." ~Kate Spade

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Fashion, Frappuccinos, + Life

Welcome to Fashion, Frappuccinos, + Life! As you probably realize from the blog name, this is a (or is going to be) a mainly fashion blog, which pretty much means that I'm going to be writing about all things fashion! Outfits inspired by celebs, great finds at even greater prices, how to wear the latest trends, runway fashion, and pretty much anything you've ever wanted to know about everything fashion in general. Well, mostly. Because as much as the typical fashionista loves the gowns and heels and glamour, we all need a touch of reality. So that's why sometime I'm just going to post about plain old, down-to-earth, FYI, BTW, LIFE.
  And I D-O-N-T don't claim to be an expert. I don't go to Paris (or New York. Or anywhere else) Fashion Week, I don't whip up perfect outfits in minutes, and I use spell-check just as much as anyone (and probably more). It plain old bugs me when people claim to be experts. Are you Marc Jacobs? Coco Chanel? Diane Von Fürstenburg? No? Then admit to your mistakes. Everyone has flaws and habits and makes mistakes, even bloggers. Take me. I have an innate love of parentheses (see?), and slump too much. I give my iTunes playlists weird, motivational names, and I enjoy pink baths. I believe in true love, leather jackets, vanilla hand lotion, the healing power of screaming, running in the cold with friends, pink cheeks, laughing, spending too much money on music, and in the need of model-walking in glittery stilettos at Nordstroms (trust me, you'll get stares).
  So get ready, because this is going to be a wild ride. No commitment to follow my blog, but if you do, thank you so much! I realize that this isn't perfect, but neither are humans, right? I'll learn as we go along, so c'mon, be imperfect with me, because Fashion, Frappuccinos, + Life? It's going to big. So, yeah. I'm kind of putting my heart out there, but please don't stomp on it?
  Merry Christmas and enjoy your day!
  Fashuccinos forever, xoxo,

~A <3

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