"Playing dress up begins at age 5 and never really ends." ~Kate Spade

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Top 10 Things That You've Gotta Admit to Doing at Some Point

1. Peeking through the crack in your fridge door to see when, exactly, the light turns off.

2. Drawing a bright yellow quarter circle in the corner of a page for a "sun" then drawing little yellow lines, "rays" extending out from it. Van Gogh over here, everyone.

3. Driving on a highway and pretended that your car and all the other cars are "racing". The cars that are in front of you are actually in the back of a different race, of course.

4. Pacing all over the house during a phone call and make weird "oof" and "ow" noises when you fall off of something or crash into something.

5. Sounding out Wednesday like Wed-nes-day in your head when writing it. Yeah, I just did that.

6. Feeling weird saying your own name aloud. I so do this.

7. Checking behind the shower curtain before going to the bathroom at night or early in the morning.

8. Wiping your phone screen to make a pattern with all the smudge marks, or to make them all go in the same direction.

9. Feeling bad for the "lonely" inanimate objects (chairs, tables, pillow) when they get throw away. Admit it. You've "saved" them once or twice, only to throw them away the next week.

10. Walking somewhere where there's music playing, and pretend that you're in a movie.

Hope you realized that your not alone in your weird habits (well, actually... when you put ketchup on your everything bagel? You're so alone)! Have a great rest of your day, and... follow this bAlog, shop more, and laugh often!

Kisses! ~A

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